Teams must schedule arriving no earlier than Saturday and leaving not later than Friday. For other arrangements, please call BGM at 601-983-1179.


  1. Airfare: Each group is responsible for scheduling and paying for flights to and from Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
  2. Nightly Fee: BGM requires a $750 fee from each participant for a 6 night trip plus a $10 fee for emergency medical evacuation insurance per trip. This fee covers one trip per team to and from the airport, transportation during the week, lodging, electricity, lunch and dinner each day, and translators.  Special family rates apply to 3 or more immediate family members (parents, brothers, and sisters).
    • First two family members = full price
    • Third = 25% off
    • Fourth = 50% off
    • Fifth and above = 75% off
  3. Emergency Medical Evacuation Fee: Due to an increase in insurance cost, each participant will be charged $10 per trip for emergency medical evacuation insurance.
  4. Transportation Fee: Your team fees cover the cost of transportation for two trips to the airport: 1 trip to pick up your team upon arrival, 1 trip to deliver your team to its departing flight. If you have team members who require additional trips to the airport, whether arriving or departing on a different schedule from the group, your team will be charged $40 for each additional trip required.
  5. Airport Fees:
    • Each person should take $2 for a luggage cart and $2 per checked bag for tips to have available when arriving at the airport in Haiti.
    • The team leader needs to be prepared to pay up to $200 in fees if the group is taking medicine into Haiti.
    • Each person will be required to pay a $10 tourist fee as he enters Haiti.  He must pay with a fairly new, uncrumpled 10 dollar bill that has no tears or markings.
  6. Additional Expenses: Each week at the Galette Chambon and Thoman Hope Centers, there is a market place with items made by Haitians.  If you would like to purchase items at this market, you will need to have small bills available.  Large bills will not be accepted and change will not be available. In addition, a Haitian at each location may be selling soft drinks for $1 each.

Number of Team Members

    • The Hope Center at Galette Chambon has housing for 24 team members.  Two dorm rooms house 8 each. Two dorm rooms house 4 each.
    • The Hope Center at Thoman has housing for 28 team members.  Two dorm rooms house 10 each.  One dorm room houses 8.

Team Members Under the Age of 18

    • Minimum age to participate is 10.
    • Children ages 10-14 must be accompanied by a parent.
    • Minors ages 14-17 unaccompanied by their parents must be a part of a 4 to 1 ratio of teens to adults.

How to Schedule

    1. Select a Location.  Teams have the option of serving in Galette Chambon or Thoman.  Galette Chambon, the location of BGM’s first Hope Center, is about 17 miles east of Port-au-Prince and requires an hour bus ride from the Port-au-Prince airport.  At this location, there is a medical clinic; dental clinic; medical missionary house; 4 dorm rooms to sleep a total of 24 team members; a church; an orphanage; school; 40+ houses, most of which house families previously living in one of the tent cities that sprang up in Port-au-Prince following the earthquake, and agricultural plots. Thoman is located in the mountains about 50 miles east of Port-au-Prince and is a 2 to 2 1/2 hour bus trip from the airport. Thoman Hope Center is similar to Galette Chambon with the following exceptions:  Thoman can sleep a total of 28 team members, and Thoman does not have an orphanage.
    2. Select a Date.  Go to “Haiti Trip Calendar.”  Choose an OPEN time. (Teams must schedule arriving no earlier than Saturday and leaving no later than Friday.)
    3. Submit a Team Initial Registration Form to reserve the week.
    4. Send a Deposit.  Make a nonrefundable $500 deposit to secure the date you have selected. Make your check payable to But God Ministries and mail it to: 404 Fontaine Place, Suite 104, Ridgeland, MS 39157.  When we receive your deposit and submitted Team Initial Registration Form, your date is secured and your deposit will be credited to your group’s account.
    5. Read all materials on this page and follow the Team Leader Checklist while planning your trip.

Plan your ministry

The type of ministry your team does in Haiti is defined by the skills and interests of your team members as well as the needs of the community.  Call 601-983-1179 or email Annette Hall, mission team coordinator, to discuss the top needs and areas of service in Galette Chambon or Thoman.  The BGM staff will work together with you to plan your team’s ministry.

Meet But God Ministries Deadlines

    1. At least 30 days before departure, submit all required forms on this page. All participants under the age of 18, not traveling with both parents, must have a signed and notarized Minor’s Travel Permission Form They must have two original copies in their possession during travel.
    2. At least 30 days before departure, send full payment of fees minus your $500 deposit to BGM, 404 Fontaine PL, Suite 104, Ridgeland, MS 39157.
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