Great Year! …
It’s been a wonderful year of ministry through our work in Haiti and the Mississippi Delta. Behind all of these facts and figures are the faces and names of countless people and families whose lives have been changed forever. We praise God for all He has done!
- 29 mission trips to Haiti
- 27 mission trips to the Miss. Delta
- Over 700 people on mission trips
- 7 full-time missionaries
- 16 houses built in Haiti
- Over 200 patients treated at Pen Lavi Malnutrition Center since opening
- Over 16,000 patients treated at our two clinics in Haiti this year
- Weekly dentist in Thoman, Haiti
- Gospel shared countless times via worship, VBS, Bible studies, evangelism
- Over 950 children sponsored in local schools in Haiti
- New elementary school built in Galette Chambon, Haiti
- Computer lab built at the Thoman School
- Dozens of beds, school desks, tables and benches built in Haiti
- 150 full-time Haitian employees in Haiti
Three Amazing Years in the Delta
God has greatly blessed our work in the Delta over the last three years through our:
- Full-time Community Manager
- Full-time Life Center Manager
- 6,000 sq. ft. Hope Center
- Dental clinic
- Legal clinic
- Montessori School
- Life center with high school diploma program
- Hundreds of people hosted on mission trips
- Summer camps for children
- 14 local employees
- Partnership with Miss. business for job creation
Great days are ahead—we look forward to all that God will do in 2020!
New Community Manager in the Delta
It is our pleasure to announce that Bennie Brown has accepted the Community Manager position in Jonestown, MS. Bennie comes to BGM with a wealth of experience and countless relationships in Jonestown. He was born, reared, and currently resides in Jonestown.
Bennie holds a BA in Political Science from Virginia State University in Petersburg, VA. He is a proud veteran of the United States Air Force and currently serves as the President of the Swan Lake Missionary Baptist Association, Trustee of the Coahoma Community College Board of Trustees, and Pastor of St. James Missionary Baptist Church in Jonestown. Bennie will begin his duties effective January 6, 2020.

Bennie Brown
My Book
So many miraculous events have occurred over the first eight years of existence of But God Ministries. In my new book, But God—A Story of God using Ordinary People in Extraordinary Ways in the World’s Most Difficult Places, you’ll discover story after story of God at work today in one of the poorest places in the world and one of the most challenging places in America. God has shown his power, love, and grace in amazing ways!
To order a copy, go to Also, you can order a copy of my devotional book entitled, I Was Thinking . . . Both of these make great Christmas gifts! And, a portion of the proceeds will go to support the work of BGM.
End of the Year Donation
If you are considering an end of the year donation, please make sure the postmark on the envelope is December 31 and not later. Also, if you give online, please make sure the donation is made by midnight on December 31 and not later.
You can give online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 404 Fontaine Place, Suite 104, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our Delta staff, our American staff in Haiti and the U.S., and our Board of Directors.