Big News! …
In September we began a fall campaign to raise funds for three important needs: the Cafetorium in Thoman, the Mobile Medical Clinic for remote villages around Thoman, and cancelled team fees due to the civil unrest. The goal of this campaign was to raise $125,000. We are thrilled to announce that the total given far exceeded our goal, reaching $176,674! Praise God! The projects funded by this campaign will be a tremendous blessing for these villages. Thanks to all who contributed!
Giving Thanks
While the country experiences civil unrest, God provides many ways for our ministry in Haiti to continue. In each of the villages of Galette Chambon and Thoman, our Hope Center staff, construction teams, and village leaders are doing a wonderful job of loving their neighbors and bringing hope to those in desperate need. We have so many reasons to give thanks!
Housing Provision
We thank God that our Haitian construction teams have been able to get the necessary supplies for building new homes. In the next couple of weeks we will have built four new homes!

Thanks to a donation made by a grandfather of one of our missionaries, the family living in these squalid conditions will soon have a dry, sturdy, and more dignified place to call home.

Thanks to a donation from Summerland Baptist Church, these children will have a safer and healthier home in which to grow up.

This is the Milor Cathel family. There are seven children in the family, and the father was not home when the picture was taken. Currently they are living in their mother-in-law/grandmother’s house. But not much longer, thanks to a gift from Clarke-Venable Baptist Church. We began construction this week!

Two years ago after his home burned and his family became separated, Mr. Jonah Joseph began praying. He needed a miracle, but he did not lose hope. And now, his house is finished. Isn’t it beautiful?
Thank you to a BGM supporter from Yazoo City, MS.
Food Provision
When people cannot travel due to protests, there are fewer days they can get out and safely go to market to buy basic food goods for their families. In addition, prices have increased, causing many people to be unable to afford to buy beans and rice. Many families are going hungry.
But thanks to God’s provision of funds, we’ve held three food distributions—two in Thoman and one in Galette Chambon. Our BGM Staff in each village purchased enough beans, rice, oil, and pasta to feed many families for weeks. Along with local village leaders, they purchased, bagged, organized, and distributed the food. We are thankful that so many families in our village will eat this week.
We are also thankful for our staff and village leaders in carrying out this ministry. They did an amazing job! These new opportunities for leadership are building a strong community within and around our organization as we work together and participate in God’s work in our villages.

Staff and village leaders bagged and organized the rice and beans.

Family portions, based on the different sizes of the families, were measured out.

Many family members picked up their food.
Hundreds of families have now received food.

This snapshot of action from a video shows one of the
two organized food distributions for families in Thoman.
Educational Provision
All five of our village schools are meeting daily, and our teachers are doing an excellent job. And while the school near Croix des Bouquet where our 14 orphanage children attend still remains closed, some BGM teachers are providing continued education by tutoring these children. We are thankful for our teachers’ dedication to the education of all the children in our villages!

Students receiving tutoring at The Hope Center

Two of our wonderful teachers who also tutor students
New Book
My new book is here! But God—A Story of God using Ordinary People in Extraordinary Ways in the World’s Most Difficult Places has been published. It’s the story of But God Ministries and all the miraculous events that have occurred over the first eight years of our existence.
Writing this book has truly been a labor of love as I’ve recounted the amazing story of But God Ministries. I’ve been reminded of the countless times God has shown His power, love, and grace. I’ve been reminded of all the wonderful Christian people God has used to make a huge difference in the lives of some of the poorest people in the world. I’ve been reminded that, with God, all things are possible!
To order a copy, go to Also, you can order a copy of my devotional book entitled, I Was Thinking . . . Both of these make great Christmas gifts! And, a portion of the proceeds will go to support the work of BGM.
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti and the Miss. Delta? Your gift will go a long way in helping us share the love of Christ in very tangible ways in these challenging places.
You can give a general gift online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 404 Fontaine Place, Suite 104, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our Delta staff, our American staff in Haiti and the U.S., and our Board of Directors.