Dear Friend of BGM,
Every year at this time, we have a Fall Campaign to fund important projects in Haiti and the Mississippi Delta. Past campaigns have built the Hope Center in Thoman, Haiti, the Hope Center in the Delta, the Malnutrition Center in Haiti, and the Montessori in the Delta. This year, we have three very important areas that we need to address.
For quite a while, we have needed a cafetorium at our school in Thoman. The cafetorium is an open-air structure that will have space for tables and chairs where the children can eat lunch each day. Currently, they sit on the ground, or on steps, or in their classrooms.
In addition, the cafetorium will have a stage where we can have graduations, plays, and concerts. One of our goals is to have a music/band program where children can be immersed in the arts.
The total cost of the cafetorium is $50,000. A generous donor has already given $20,000. That means we lack only $30,000.

Rendering of cafetorium at school in Thoman, Haiti
(person on left standing on stage at front of cafetorium)

Rendering of cafetorium at school in Thoman, Haiti
(view from front door, person on stage at front of cafetorium)
Mobile Medical Clinic
There are 7,000 people living in 19 very remote mountain villages above Thoman, Haiti. Other than a day’s walk to our clinic in Thoman, these villagers have no access to health care. A grant from the University of Kansas School of Medicine enabled us to go to each of the 19 villages, speak with the village elders, and survey each village. Nate Grabill, a student at the University of Kansas medical school, walked to each village and discovered the number of people in each village, their access to clean water, their access to healthy food, and their primary health needs.
We now have a plan in which we will take health care to these 7,000 Haitians. In November, we will hire a Haitian doctor, Haitian nurse, and Haitian helper. Every Monday through Thursday this team will travel to a different village and see patients. They will go to four different villages each week. They will go to the same village every Monday, the same village every Tuesday, the same village every Wednesday, and the same village every Thursday.
Our Haitian medical team will be comprised of Christians. Thus, in addition to meeting medical needs, they will be sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ as they visit the four villages each week.
The Haitian medical team will travel to the four villages each week on a specially equipped Polaris side-by-side vehicle. This vehicle is being outfitted in the U.S. and will be shipped to Haiti. The cost of the vehicle, with the special equipment, along with shipping and customs, will be approximately $25,000. There will be an additional cost of $5,000 for fuel, parts, and maintenance during the first year.
Cancelled Teams
Due to the civil unrest in Haiti earlier this year, we had to cancel almost all of our summer mission trips. As you are likely aware, one of the ways we fund our ministry is through team fees. The cancelled teams resulted in the loss of $145,000. God has blessed with three generous donors who have given $80,000 to offset this cost. That means we are short $65,000.
As I have said countless times and believe wholeheartedly, as long as BGM remains strong and healthy, more people will hear the Good News of the Gospel, more patients will be treated, more clean water will be provided, more children will be educated, more houses will be built, more jobs will be created, and more healthy food will be made available. Ultimately, more people will be loved in the name of Jesus.
Already Given
Two generous families have already donated a total of $50,000 towards the Fall 2019 Campaign. Will you help us match that amount, plus an additional $25,000, to reach the goal of $125,000?
The needs for the 2019 Fall Campaign are:
Cafetorium: $30,000
Mobile Medical Clinic: $30,000
Cancelled team fees: $65,000
TOTAL: $125,000
The amount already given to the 2019 Fall Campaign is $50,000.
The amount needed to reach our goal is $75,000.
You can give online HERE, or you can mail a check to:
But God Ministries
404 Fontaine Place, Suite 104
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Thank you for your past participation in our Fall Campaigns, and thank you for considering a gift for our 2019 Fall Campaign.