Katie Ethridge, our full-time American nurse at our Malnutrition Center in Haiti, recently wrote the following:
Dear Carole,
I owe you an apology. When you made your way into our lives two months ago, I didn’t want to love you. I looked at your 75lb frame and counted your every bone. You were so fragile I was scared to sneeze for fear of blowing you away. I saw how easily your body tired and how lifeless your eyes stared back at mine. I held your tiny baby and prayed she would grow to know her mama. But I saw your lab results, I read the numbers, I knew your odds. They weren’t good. You knew it too. We all did.
I tried not to love you because I didn’t want you to hurt me. It was easier to keep you at a distance. I now see how wrong that self-preservation mentality was and I’m sorry. That’s not Jesus. In fact, Jesus did the exact opposite on the Cross… preserving none of Himself but draining every last drop instead.
Do you remember how sick you were? My friend, you weren’t the only one. The Lord has done miraculous things within us both since then. Our Healer made you stronger as He made me more vulnerable. He restored your body while He tore down my walls. He gave you energy and light and life where there was none. He gave us all hope. He gave us Himself.
The breath in your lungs and the blood in your veins are not accidents. They are gifts. They are miracles that point us back to the Giver of all good gifts.
So today as you walked out our doors with your healthy baby in your arms, we stood victorious for our Champion has made us whole.
We stand in awe and give Jesus all the glory. Jesus. Our Bread of Life.

Katie and Carole
Great opportunity
Many people love our work at our Malnutrition Center in Haiti. Seven days a week, terribly malnourished children are given nutrition, love, and a future. One challenge is that the Malnutrition Center is a non-revenue producing ministry. Mission teams do not stay there and the starving, desperately poor, children don’t make donations.
The annual budget is $112,520, not counting the missionary salaries. We have 15 employees since we provide round-the-clock care 365 days a year. We feed and clothe all the children and some of their mothers. Recently, our Director, Rachel Charpie, created a way for those who love this work to help ensure that it continues.
Rachel has made it possible to sponsor a crib for a starving child or a “mama bed” so mothers can stay with their children. You can help with diapers for a week, groceries for a week, or salaries for our nurses and other caregivers. To learn about these sponsorships, click HERE. This is a great way for individuals, Sunday School classes, or other groups to make a direct and immediate difference in the lives of starving children. And 100% of the donation goes directly to the item sponsored.

Another child receiving life-saving care at our Malnutrition Center
Transition in Thoman
Laura Rader, our missionary in Thoman, recently returned to the United States. Laura did a super job for 2 1/2 years. She loved the people of Thoman with a fierce and beautiful love. Her impact will be felt for many years to come.
With Laura gone, we have Americans who are hosting our mission teams each week. Those who are hosting have been to Haiti countless times and have hosted many teams over the years. Some of the hosts include Stan Buckley, Rusty and Michelle Hall, Terry and Kathy Warren, Wayne and Sandy Comans, Melanie Blanton, Paul Powers, and Craig and Donna Shumate.
Missionary Spot Available
With Laura Rader no longer in Haiti, we are looking for a new missionary couple or single man to serve full-time in Thoman, Haiti. If you are interested, or if you know someone who might be, please email me at stanbuckley@butgodministries.com
Let There Be Light
A few weeks ago, electrical engineering students from Georgia Tech traveled to Thoman, Haiti. In a partnership with the Georgia Haitian-American Chamber of Commerce, they accomplished the following:
- 21 Haitian homes now have solar powered LED lights and cell phone charging capabilities
- 17 local Haitian entrepreneurs were trained in technical and business skills necessary for deploying solar systems
- Solar systems were installed at the local Thoman church and the new school in Mathias
A great big thank you goes to Frank Lambert of Georgia Tech for coordinating the efforts of the students. Frank and a previous group of students from Georgia Tech installed a solar system at the Hope Center in Thoman a year ago and have saved us thousands of dollars in fuel costs for the generator. Way to Frank! Way to go Georgia Tech!

Awesome group of Georgia Tech students and Haitian entrepreneurs

Solar powered light in an otherwise very dark Haitian home

Solar panels and lighting system being
installed at the school in Mathias

Georgia Tech students providing light for a Haitian home
Great Ministry in Galette Chambon
Incredible ministry is taking place this summer in Galette Chambon, Haiti. Tony and Mickie West continue to provide tremendous leadership and countless opportunities for Christians to serve. Plus, they just love on the Haitian people like nobody’s business!

Students from our high school using the computers at our
Business Center. What a blessing to be able to provide
these opportunities to the students!

His name is Minol. Life is difficult in Haiti for everyone, but especially those dealing with a physical or mental challenge. Minol, however, loves life and loves people. He’s a doll!

We had some physical therapists on a mission team recently. They made a standing board to give Minol an opportunity to try to stand and build strength in his legs. They also adjusted his wheel chair to get it just right for him to use. Of course, as our missionary reported, his favorite part of the day was all about the kisses and special attention he was getting from the ladies.

One of the bright and beautiful girls in our village

Our teams love it when they get a chance to go to our school and play with the children at recess.
School in the Miss. Delta
Last week we celebrated the Jonestown Family Center and Wellness Center (JFC) becoming part of BGM. We had a wonderful ceremony as the nuns from Oregon who started JFC 30 years ago officially handed over the reins to BGM. We look forward to building on their great work as we seek to provide an incredible preschool education to as many 2-5 year olds as possible. Every child needs a chance in this life. One of the best ways to help provide a chance is to provide a quality education at the earliest stage possible.

Wonderful crowd came to the transition ceremony as the
Jonestown Family Center became part of BGM
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti and the Miss. Delta? Your gift will go a long way in helping us share the love of Christ in very tangible ways in these challenging places.
You can give online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 400 Fontaine Place, Suite 103, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our American staff in Haiti and the U.S., and our Board of Directors.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director