Strolling Through The Village…
I was in Haiti two weeks ago. It’s amazing what you can see when you walk through the village near our Hope Center in Galette Chambon. Everywhere you go, there is evidence of the work God has done through BGM over the last six years.

We came upon this little guy and his mom. As it turns out, he’s one of the approximately 400 children who have been born at our clinic, most of whom were delivered by our Nurse Practititoner, Tony West (pictured above). Of those 400, about 100 of them are now old enough to be in school.

Before: We also came upon this small house made of dried mud and a rusted tin roof. Obviously, these are not ideal living conditions.

After: Here is the new house that was completed just three weeks ago by the Briarwood Christian School in Birmingham. I spoke with the mother of the family who moved from the mud hut, pictured above, into this new home. She was thrilled and ever so grateful!
Lots of Teams
We love mission teams at BGM! Already this year, we have hosted 25 teams – 15 in Haiti and 10 in the Miss. Delta. Our teams bring energy, enthusiasm, hope, and love. They share the gospel through Bible studies, prayer, worship, VBS, and one-on-one witnessing. They bring resources and ideas and technology. They are a HUGE blessing to the communities where we work.

Dr. Jerry Bristol, a pediatrician from First Baptist Biloxi,
treating one of our patients

Scott Bess and Pat Nowell, also from Biloxi, making
desks for the schools

A theatre director from New York taught the children how to act out Bible stories. The children had a blast!

Great Bridge Baptist Church from Chesapeake, Virginia, held a banquet in honor of area school teachers. Great Bridge has been one of our partners from the beginning. They built the first house we ever built in Haiti!

This was an amazing team from Briarwood Christian School in Birmingham. They were walking through the village and praying for a family that was about to receive a new house.

These men from Pine Terrace Church near Pensacola, FL built an oven and a covering for a lady name Yolin. We purchase bread from her every day to feed sandwiches to our teams at lunch. She was very excited to have this covering!

In the Miss. Delta, we recently hosted an incredible team of pre-teens from Colonial Heights Baptist Church in Ridgeland, MS. They prayed, shared, taught, played, and worshiped with many of the good folks of Jonestown, MS.
Persistence Paying Off
We are very excited about the recent hiring of Joel Petit-del as a full-time translator in Galette Chambon, Haiti. Joel has worked many years with us as a part-time translator. He has always done great work with a positive attitude. Finally, after all these years, a position opened for Joel. We are thrilled for him, his wife, and child because we know what a big deal it is in Haiti, and also how very rare, to have a full-time job that pays every month. Congratulations Joel!

Joel Petit-del
Starving Children
God continues to use our Inpatient Malnutrition Center in Haiti to do incredible work in the lives of starving children. Recently, I asked our Director, Rachel Charpie, to give an update on how things are going. She shared the following:
“Wow! God has done some crazy, awesome, amazing things over the last 10 months!
Since opening in May of 2017 we have had 31 kids through our doors. Eight of those kids are currently with us. Except for a couple of slower times we have kept at least 8 kids with a steady flow of discharges and admits. We have had as many as 11 kids at one time.
God has burdened our hearts not just for the kids we serve but for their families, too. We have some PRECIOUS mamas in our home right now. Somewhere along the way they become family and check on us as much as we care for them. Just last night we were out late with a patient at the hospital and our moms called to check and make sure we were okay. They heal as much as their children do, and we have many opportunities to share the gospel with them both in word and action.
One mom came down from Thoman to stay with her son. She seemed indifferent to her child, and he didn’t seem attached to her either. We just discharged them today, and there has been a dramatic change in their relationship. He cries if she’s not there and there’s a light in her eyes as she plays with him and loves him. The healing that took place in both of them while they were here was amazing!
I could go on and on with different stories of what God has done here! Thank you so much for your support and prayers!”

Rachel, our Director, and one of our patients who has recovered beautifully. While the work can be very exciting and very
rewarding, it can also be very challenging. Rachel shared
the following yesterday:
“We’ve had a lot of really sick kids here recently. If I’m honest I’m a little weary. I was walking this morning with my music on talking to God about it when a song came on that says, ‘Yours is the victory, Lord.’ And it is. I may grow weary, but He never does. He does not sleep or slumber. He watches over all the little ones in our care. He restores my soul. Will you pray for our Malnutrition Center today – all of our patients, parents, and staff?”
Big News!
In a press release dated April 16, 2018, we received word that, “The ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability) announced today the accreditation of But God Ministries of Ridgeland, MS.”
Dan Busby, president of ECFA, stated, “We are pleased to accredit a ministry committed to sharing the love of Jesus Christ through building sustainable communities around the world.”
You may be aware that ECFA provides accreditation to leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for financial accountability, transparency, fundraising, and board governance. We are pleased to have met the stringent standards of ECFA.
Rusty Hall (BGM Managing Director) and Julie Humphreys (BGM Director of Accounting) have been working on this accreditation for many months and their hard work has paid off.
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti and the Miss. Delta? Your gift will go a long way in helping us share the love of Christ in very tangible ways in these challenging places.
You can give online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 400 Fontaine Place, Suite 103, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our American staff in Haiti and the U.S., and our Board of Directors.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director