Every year at this time we have a push for a special project. One year it was for the new Hope Center in Thoman, Haiti. Thousands of lives have been effected through that Hope Center. Patients have been treated, houses have been built, the gospel has been shared, souls have been saved, disciples have been made, children have been sponsored in schools, a new school was built this year, and jobs have been created. God has done amazing things through that Hope Center and the future is brighter than ever. And it’s all because of the grace of God and the generosity of His people.
This year, I want to tell you about two very important ministries. The first is the Malnutrition Center in Haiti and the second is the Jonestown Family Center in the Mississippi Delta.
Malnutrition Center
Earlier this year we began receiving our first little patients at our new In-Patient Malnutrition Center in Haiti. Children who are suffering from severe malnutrition receive round-the-clock medical care as they are slowly nursed back to good health. This past week we have had 10 children as patients who have received life-saving care from our team of 15 Haitian employees (nurses, cooks, laundry lady, security guard, and others). In addition, parents of these children have been educated, encouraged, and loved. We are very excited about receiving other children because the Malnutrition Center can treat up to 15 children at a time.
Rachel Charpie is serving as the Director of the Malnutrition Center and she has done a remarkable job. A few weeks ago, Katie Ethridge, a Registered Nurse who has worked in the NICU unit of Batson Children’s Hospital at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, joined Rachel full-time at the Malnutrition Center. Lives are being saved and we couldn’t be more excited!

Rachel Charpie (l), the Director of our Malnutrition Center and Katie Ethridge (r), the NICU nurse who recently moved to Haiti to join Rachel full-time at the Malnutrition Center

Four year old Kashme came to the Malnutrition Center weighing only 16 pounds. A normal four year old should weight between 40-45 pounds. He made great progress and recently went home with his family! And yes, that’s the same child in both photos.

This is Holanda. She was two months old when she arrived and she weighed only four pounds. She more than doubled her weight and was able to go home. Praise God!

His name is Charlie. In addition to being malnourished, he also has Cerebral Palsy. Sweet Charlie weighed only 16 pounds at five years old when he came to the Malnutrition Center. After many months, Charlie gained weight and became healthy and has been released. Another life saved!

From Rachel: “Charlie is doing great! When I came in this afternoon the nanny and nurse were reading him a Bible story. Nurse Aderla was telling him about the big, big, boat God asked Noah to build. Charlie thinks she is pretty funny!”

From Rachel: “Our momma room is very lively nowadays. We have 3 very young mommas staying with their babies. What I love is the encouragement and community they find in each other as they walk through this journey with children. Their paths would never have crossed under other circumstances. Watching them together, watching them grow, learn, and love is one of the things that makes this worth it.”
Jonestown Family Center
Education is one of the keys to a successful life whether you live in Haiti or the Mississippi Delta or anywhere else in the world. Thirty-two years ago the Jonestown Family Center (JFC) was started in Jonestown, Mississippi by a group of nuns from Portland, Oregon. Today, it consists of a Toddler program, a Montessori (3-5 year olds), and a Fitness program.
Recently, the dear nuns who started JFC reached retirement age and moved back to the Pacific Northwest. Their work is continuing in Jonestown with a new director who is an African-American pastor from Mississippi. We have come to admire and appreciate the work of JFC and we believe, as does the JFC board, that the acquisition of JFC by But God Ministries will be good for all involved, especially the children of Jonestown. Thus, we are in the process of acquiring JFC.
Currently, the Montessori has 24 children enrolled and the Toddler program has 12. We want to expand this number to include every child in the Jonestown area so they can be as prepared as possible when they enter elementary school. Sadly, too many children go to elementary school unprepared. They may not know colors or numbers or letters. They are behind from the start and many of them never catch up. That needs to change. They need a fighting chance.
With our new 6,000 sq. foot Hope Center in Jonestown that is almost complete, the upcoming opening of the dental clinic, the future re-opening of the medical clinic, the revitalization of local businesses, and the revamping of The Park neighborhood, we believe Jonestown is headed in the right direction. The acquisition and expansion of the Jonestown Family Center will add to the great things happening there and will make a huge difference in the education of the local children.

Stan Lang, Director of the Jonestown Family Center, standing in front of the Montessori.
Our goal is to raise $200,000: $100,000 for the Malnutrition Center and $100,000 for the Jonestown Family Center. Thanks to three generous donors, we already have almost $100,000. Would you help us match their gifts and reach the goal of $200,000?
How can you give?
* You can mail a check to: But God Ministries, 400 Fontaine Place, Suite 103, Ridgeland, MS, 39157. Be sure and write “Malnutrition Center/JFC” in the memo line.
* You can give online HERE. Give to the “General Budget” and then below that in the “Other Comments” line be sure and type “Malnutrition Center/JFC”.
Thank you for your support over the years. Thank you for praying about the Malnutrition Center and the Jonestown Family Center and for considering a gift as we move forward.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director