So . . . Much . . . Happening!
God and His people have been doing incredible ministry in Haiti and the Mississippi Delta over the last few months. It’s mind-boggling all that has been accomplished.
In Haiti, we have:
- Hosted 54 teams this year involving 742 people
- Built 20 houses
- Treated thousands of patients at our two clinics
- Increased our sponsorships of school children to 744
- Shared the gospel and discipled believers countless times in worship, Bible studies, and VBS
- Built new classrooms at the school in Thoman
- Built new bathrooms at the school in Thoman
- Built many beds, tables and benches, and school desks in Thoman
- Begun construction on the school in Mathias
- Built many school desks and chalkboards in Galette Chambon
- Drilled a well and laid pipes for the irrigation of 75 acres of farmland in Galette Chambon
- Worked to open the Malnutrition Center near Galette Chambon
- Taught numerous English classes in Galette Chambon
- Held several Motherhood Seminars in Galette Chambon
In the Mississippi Delta, we have:
- Started construction on the new Hope Center
- Partnered with local businesses to provide customers, remodeling, and mentoring
- Hosted six teams involving dozens of people
- Helped with VBS at local churches
- Hosted a Christian soccer camp
- Held Bible studies
- Worshiped at four different churches
- Leased a building to open a medical clinic
- Leased a building to open a counseling center
- Leased a facility to open a dental clinic
- Partnered with a company to provide plans/drawings for an older neighborhood and refurbishment of downtown
- Facilitated the scheduling of an upcoming meeting between New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and local pastors to provide continuing education
Jonestown, Mississippi
Construction of the new Hope Center in the Mississippi Delta is moving along at a rapid pace. Everything should be completed around the end of September. There are still many small items left to complete, but the major items left to do are the electrical work, sheetrock, and final plumbing. This 6,000 sq. ft. facility will be able to house 40 people at a time on mission trips.


Right Side

Left Side

We now have the calendar on our website for mission trips to Jonestown, MS for 2018. The sign-up process will be much like the process for a trip to Haiti. Click HERE to see available dates for a trip. Click HERE to start the process and/or call our Mission Trip Coordinator, Beth Rigney, at 601-983-1179. Please remember there are only 14 weeks in the summer from which to choose. Unlike in Haiti, we only have one location in the Delta right now, not two. So don’t wait too long to sign up for a trip!
Saving Lives at the Malnutrition Center
Rachel Charpie continues to do an amazing job as our Director at our Malnutrition Center in Haiti. This Center has round-the-clock care for starving children. Nurses are there 24 hours a day and we have access to a physician.
Rachel shared the following last week: “Yesterday we welcomed Davernina and today we welcomed Wendy into our care. We have gone from 3 to 8 children in a matter of a week. My prayer is not only for them to be healthy and grow, but also that they and their families will learn about Jesus and see His love in us. As I was speaking to Wendy’s parents today I explained to them that we are here because of Jesus – the dad told me he had already noticed the verses on the walls. I showed them the prayer wall and told them that people coming through to visit would be praying for them specifically. I am overwhelmed by all the responses of people praying for us! Thanks for fighting alongside us.”

This is Kashme. He was released from our Malnutrition Center last week. He is four years old and when he arrived he weighed 17 pounds (left). When he left last week he was so happy as he now weighs 26 pounds and is far more healthy (right). And yes, that’s the same little boy on the right and left!

Pray for Davernia

Pray for Wendy
New School Construction
Construction on the new school in the remote Haitian village of Mathias is on schedule. All of the building materials – blocks, sand, water, cement – must be carried by hand or donkey to the work site. The people are working hard and we should open the new school for three grades in September.

Much progress has been made on the new school in Mathias
Job Training Center
Great things are happening at our new Job Training Center in Galette Chambon, Haiti. Rusty Hall, our Managing Director, is using his years of experience in the business world to help create new jobs and new businesses. Also, professors and students from the University of Alabama School of Business have been instrumental in this endeavor. Some of the new businesses include:
- Business Center (copies, business forms, brochures, computer access, internet access, cell phone minutes)
- Sewing Business (school uniforms as wells as products sold to companies in the U.S.)
- Hair Salon (various hair styes, manicures, pedicures)
- Water Association (managing the water system that provides water to 44 houses near the Galette Chambon Hope Center)
- Accounting Services (bookkeeper providing services to three companies)

Inside the new Job Training Center
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti? Your gift will go a long way in helping us share the love of Christ in very tangible ways in that poverty-stricken nation.
You can give online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 400 Fontaine Place, Suite 103, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our American staff in Haiti, our staff in the States, and our Board of Directors.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director
But God Ministries