It’s been an amazing summer thus far in Haiti and the Mississippi Delta. It’s so exciting to see God’s people use their skills, gifts, and resources for His glory and the benefit of others. Houses have been built, patients have been seen, children have been sponsored, the gospel has been shared, Bible studies have been conducted, beds and desks and tables have been constructed, and lives have been changed.
Lance Anderson went on a trip to Galette Chambon, Haiti a few weeks ago. Lance’s description could be shared by hundreds of people who have been to Haiti and the Mississippi Delta this summer: “What an amazing week in Haiti!! We tore down the temple of a voodoo priest who recently gave his life to Christ, built desks for a school, helped build a house, had 2 baby girls born at Hope Center clinic, met and visited with our sponsored children, painted at the business center, Motherhood ceremony, met new friends and visited with old friends too. Safe to say we all had a fun week being the hands and feet of Christ in Haiti.”

Lance and his daughter, Lauren, with two Haitian children who have been sponsored through our child-sponsorship education program
Progress in the Mississippi Delta
After a month of unusual rain that slowed our progress, we finally poured the slab two days ago (July 5) for our new Hope Center in Jonestown, MS. Next week we begin framing the building.
In addition, we’ve hosted multiple teams this summer, created numerous temporary jobs, conducted VBS, partnered with local businesses to bring customers and upgrades to their facilities, hosted sports camps, held Bible Studies, cleaned lots, prayer walked, and worshiped with local congregations. We have also secured leases for two buildings in which we will have a counseling center and a medical clinic. We are in the process of leasing a state-of-the-art dental clinic that should be opened in a month or two. And, the Ole Miss basketball team and coaches came to Jonestown to hold a basketball clinic.

Randy Cress, our general contractor, standing next to the recently poured slab for our new Hope Center in the Delta. Randy is doing an incredible job! The Hope Center will be 6,000 square feet and will serve as our headquarters. There will be dorm space for 40 people, a kitchen, an office, a conference room, one separate bedroom, and a large meeting area.

These three had a blast at a soccer camp put on by Brilla Soccer in Jonestown a few weeks ago.

This is the dental clinic in Jonestown we are in the process of leasing. It hasn’t been used in several years but should be operational shortly.
Reserve a Date
We now have the calendar on our website for mission trips to Jonestown, MS for 2018. The sign-up process will be much like the process for a trip to Haiti. Click HERE to see available dates for a trip. Click HERE to start the process and/or call our Mission Trip Coordinator, Beth Rigney, at 601-983-1179.
Voodoo Priest
Mickie West, one of our missionaries in Galette Chambon, Haiti, shared the following incredible news a few weeks ago:
“Today was a glorious day of victory in Jesus! Recently, a voodoo priest came and knocked on the gate of Hope Center. His name is Jean Paul. He asked to see our pastor. The guard called for the pastor and they talked. Jean Paul had been in prison for 16 weeks and had prayed to the powers of darkness to get him out. After he clearly was not being heard, he decided to cry out to Jesus. He decided to give his life to Jesus and he was soon released from prison. He came immediately to talk to our pastor after his release. He came to our church today and invited us all to his house to help him tear down his temple and burn all his idols!! Our God is great and His name is being made known in this village!! This man and his family will experience the joy and peace of knowing the King of all kings and life will never be the same! Hallelujah!”

The voodoo priest tearing down his temple and idols

Burning the voodoo temple and idols

The former voodoo priest, now child of God, and Mickie West
New School Construction
We have begun construction on the new school in the remote Haitian village of Mathias! The people are very excited and working hard to make this vision become a reality. The plans are to complete the school over the next two months and open the doors for the new school year in September. Praise God!

The people of Mathias gathered to pray over the land where the school is being built. They are very excited about the new school for the children of their village and the surrounding villages.

Many people are getting jobs as a result of the new school. Some, like those seen above, are receiving temporary construction jobs. Others will receive full-time jobs. We will hire 1 principal, 3 teachers for the 3 grades, 3 assistant teachers, 2 cooks, and one cleaning lady.

These concrete blocks and the pile of sand had to be carried by hand and donkeys up the mountain to Mathias because there is no road.
Job Opportunity
On January 1, 2018, Andrew and Laura Rader will no longer be serving as our missionaries in Thoman, Haiti. They have done an amazing job for two years but will return to the States full-time.
We are in the process of identifying a new couple or a single male who is interested in serving as a missionary in Thoman. Due to the remote nature of Mathias, the missionaries will spend approximately six months in Haiti and six months in the USA. The schedule for the missionaries will be as follows:
February 15-March 31 -Thoman, Haiti
April – USA
May-August 15 – Thoman, Haiti
August 15-October 15 – USA
October 15-November 15 – Thoman, Haiti
November 15-February 15 – USA
While in the USA, the missionaries will be speaking to churches and other groups, coordinating mission trips with team leaders, preparing for upcoming trips, and working closely with our home office, among other things.
If you or someone you know is interested, please email me at
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti? Your gift will go a long way in helping us share the love of Christ in very tangible ways in that poverty-stricken nation.
You can give online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 400 Fontaine Place, Suite 103, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our American staff in Haiti, our staff in the States, and our Board of Directors.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director