What a year! It’s overwhelming. It’s hard to take it all in. 2016 has been another amazing year at But God Ministries. I am filled with gratitude to God and those who have partnered with us so faithfully. Many churches, universities, businesses, and individuals have given and gone and prayed for our work in Haiti and now the Mississippi Delta. In fact, we hosted 57 mission trips to Haiti this year with approximately 850 people.
Below is a snapshot of some of the things that have happened this year, organized by the SPHERES in which we work:
S – spiritual
P – physical
H – H2O
E – education
R – roofs
E – economic development
S – soil
We shared the good news of the Gospel this year thru training local pastors, worship services, Bible studies, one-on-one evangelism, VBS, and many other ways.

Pastors Conference in Galette Chambon

New church building completed in Thoman

Worship every Wednesday afternoon at the Thoman Hope Center

Baptisms at the river by Pastor Mathurin
We meet the physical needs of our communities primarily through our two medical/dental clinics where we have full-time Haitian doctors and nurses as well at full-time American nurses.

We greatly expanded our clinic in Galette Chambon.

Thousands of patients were treated this year. These dear people were waiting to see the doctor in Thoman.
We continuously search for new ways to bring clean water to the people of Galette Chambon and Thoman.

A new water tower was built to provide running water to the homes in Galette Chambon

Water flowing directly to the homes in Galette Chambon
We believe a good education is one of they keys to a brighter future. Thus, we have sponsorships for $37 per month that allow children to go to school, get a uniform, and have books and supplies. In addition, each child gets to each lunch Monday-Friday. Currently, we sponsor 641 children. This time last year we were sponsoring 340 children.

Little children eating at Salomon’s school. We started the feeding program in Galette Chambon this year. Now, through our 641 sponsorships, over 1,000 children get to eat a meal each day at the three schools where we sponsor children.

Sponsored children eating at Pastor Johel’s school

This year we’ve been able to make significant upgrades to the schools where we have partnerships.
Salomon’s school – before

Salomon’s school – after

70 school desks were built by mission teams and Haitians this year.

Six sets of swingsets were built at Pastor Mathurin’s school, along with three new classrooms.

In addition to education for children, we also provide education for adults. We have both Haitian Creole literacy classes as well as English classes.
Far too many Haitians live in mud huts with dirt floors and leaky roofs. Numerous teams went to Haiti with BGM and built houses for desperately poor families.

21 houses were built this year

27 beds were built
Economic Development
We believe it’s almost impossible to help someone rise from poverty apart from a job. Work is important. Work matters. Work gives dignity and the opportunity to support one’s family. We employ 80 Haitians full-time and we’ve created hundreds of part-time jobs over the years.

A new Business Center was built this year in Galette Chamon. This building will be used to train those Haitians who want to start their own businesses or improve on an already existing business. It will be used for job training. Anything related to economic development will take place in the new Business Center.
Access to healthy food is important to every person in the world, including those in Haiti.

While we are not a “give-away” organization, we have been able to provide emergency food relief this year because of the two-year drought that struck Haiti. Above, one of many food distributions took place involving a mission team.
Many other exciting things have taken place this year with But God Ministries. God continues to bless in countless ways.

Our orphanage in Galette Chambon was painted.

Nash and Emily Barber agreed to move to Haiti in February of next year and give leadership to the orphanage.

Students from the Georgia Tech School of Electrical Engineering designed and installed a solar power electrical system for our Hope Center in Thoman.

Andrew and Laura Rader moved to Haiti to be our Community Managers in Thoman.

Wesly Merystal, son of Pastor Mathurin, moved to Arkansas this month to enter school at Northwest Arkansas Community College in January. This is the first step towards his goal of becoming a dentist and working in his home village of Thoman.

Kelly Sayle joined the BGM team as she moved to the Mississippi Delta to begin our new work in Jonestown, MS.

Rachel Charpie has moved from a leadership role at our orphanage to being the Director of our new Bread of Life Malnutrition Center that is an in-patient facility with round-the-clock medical care for starving children.
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti? Your gift will go a long way in helping us share the love of Christ in very tangible ways in that poverty-stricken nation.
You can give online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 400 Fontaine Place, Suite 103, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our American staff in Haiti, our staff in the States, and our Board of Directors.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director
But God Ministries