Last year I was in Haiti about once a month. I would fly on a plane that was filled with wonderful people going to serve in Haiti. Some were digging wells. Some were planting churches. Others were building houses while others worked in orphanages. Most of them were doing great work that was focused on one area of ministry.
At BGM God has led us down a different path. Instead of focusing on one area, we take a holistic approach to ministry as we seek to minister to the basic needs shared by all people. We work in certain areas, or SPHERES, and we believe every one of these SPHERES is necessary to have a healthy community regardless of where that community is located. What are these SPHERES?
S – spiritual. We share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through our full-time Haitian pastor, worship services, Bible studies, Bible Schools, distribution of Bibles, and the two church buildings we have built that are used weekly for worship and discipleship.
P – physical. We seek to meet physical needs through our medical clinics and dental clinics. The clinics are operated weekdays by our full-time Haitian doctors and our full-time American Medical Directors. Tens of thousands of patients have been treated a tour medical-dental clinics.
H – H20.We have dug five water wells thus far.
E – education. We currently sponsor over 400 children in local schools. In addition to tuition, books, uniforms, and school supplies, the sponsorships provide a meal every day at school.
R – roofs. We have built over 90 houses, including 44 houses for people who were living in tent cities as a result of the earthquake. We work with the Auburn College of Architecture, Design and Construction in our major building projects.
E – economic development. We have created dozens and dozens of full-time and part-time jobs. Currently, we employ51 Haitians on a full-time basis and we are partnering with the Univ. of Alabama School of Business to equip Haitians to start their own businesses.
S – soil. We have a training garden in Galette Chambon and we distribute goats and chickens in Thoman.
One Extreme to the Other
Have you ever thought you were too young or too old to serve God? Turns out, you’re not!

His name is Shade. His dad went to Haiti last year and came home and told Shade all about it. Shade turned six this year and decided that instead of having birthday presents for himself at his party he would ask his guests to bring something for the children of Haiti. A few weeks ago Shade and his parents came to our office and delivered $125for the children of Haiti. Way to go, Shade!

His name is John. He’s 89 years young. This is John a few weeks ago holding some sweet Haitian girls who live at our orphanage. They were on their way home from school and apparently had a long day! This was John’s third trip to Haiti in the last year. We love John and he’s a great blessing to everyone he meets.
Right Person, Right Time
We had a great team from Meridian, MS at the Hope Center in Thoman recently. One lady on the team was doing her best to teach a Motherhood Class to some of the new moms in the village. Due to language and cultural differences, she was making no headway.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the gate of the Hope Center. They opened the gate and there stood an American missionary. She and her husband and baby had been driving by the Hope Center when their car broke down. Turns out she was a nurse who taught motherhood classes throughout Haiti and she was fluent in Creole. She walked right in and immediately began teaching the class and everything came together for those new mothers.
Once again, God provided the right person at the right time. We’ve only seen that happen about six million times since we started working in Haiti. God is so good!
Love These Smiles

His name is Woodnelson. He was very excited in this photo because his sponsor had sent him something for his birthday. Mickie, one of our missionaries wrote: “We had trouble getting a good picture because he was trying to hold everything at once in his arms and it all kept falling everywhere. We finally just put it in the bag and took a pic of that great big sweet grin of his. We love our little Woodnelson!”

This sweet girl’s name is Francesca. She came to our clinic in Galette Chambon recently to see the doctor. Her story is that a few months ago her mom brought her to the Hope Center wanting to give her up. Sadly, she had been born with no feet. Mickie says, “Her mom was very depressed and had nowhere to live. We prayed with her, encouraged her, cared for her baby’s feet, and helped her see Hope in Jesus. Now they are both healthy, mom is breastfeeding, and Francesca is growing strong! We already have someone lined up to make her first prosthesis when she’s ready. God provides!! And He is GOOD!!”
Reading is Fundamental

Two weeks ago, Mickie resumed teaching her Creole Literacy class. So many of the adults in the area cannot read or write in their own language. Mickie wrote,”It was so good to be back in the classroom today with Frantz and our Creole Literacy students. We had two new students join us today! A man and a woman. They are so excited about learning to read! What a blessing they are to me!! In this picture I am showing them how I want them to do their homework.”
Sharing the Hope that is Within Us
It is a great joy to share the hope of the gospel with those who have never heard it. Sometimes we forget, but the gospel of Jesus Christ really is Good News!
Recently, Pastor Mickenson led s series of revival meetings at our church in Galette Chambon. He reported that 245 people heard the gospel, 12 people committed their lives to Christ, and 25 people renewed their faith in Him. Now, because Pastor Mickenson and his family live at the Hope Center, he will be able to disciple the new Believers on a regular basis.

Pastor Mickenson praying with a girl at church

Pastor Mickenson leading a Boys Bible Study on a Saturday morning
Let the Little Children Come
There are countless beautiful children in Haiti. Last week in Thoman, a medical team from First Baptist Jackson, MS saw hundreds of patients at our clinic and then spent the afternoons doing check-ups for about 500 children at the school where we sponsor village children.

Her name is Roodmica. She’s holding a photo of her sponsor. Roodmica was one of the hundreds of children who received a check-up from our American doctors last week.

His name is Esiah. He is one of 10 children and his father died last September. He is 9 years old and that’s Dr. Jessica Jones from Jackson, MS with him. She have him some Plumpy Nut to help with his nutrition needs and they were trying to get him sponsored and enrolled in school. That’s Dr. Amos Belknap from Jackson in the background. That was his second trip to Haiti with BGM.

These little guys live near the Hope Center in Thoman. They were eating their first homemade peanut butter cookies. I think they liked them!
And finally . . .
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti? Your gift will go a long way in helping us share the love of Christ in very tangible ways in that poverty-stricken nation.
You can give online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 400 Fontaine Place, Suite 103, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our American staff in Haiti, our staff in the States, and our Board of Directors.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director
But God Ministries