We have found the beautiful people of Haiti to be hard working, resilient, and enterprising. Sometimes, they just need a little help getting started. We’ve begun helping Haitians in Thoman get into the goat business and the chicken business. Here is a report from Terry Warren who has been serving as our missionary there:
“A total of 66 families have received goats in the last 3 weeks. What an amazing blessing for these families who will be able to create a source of income from these female goats. This program has been in place for 3 years now and many local residents have established a goat business for their families. Thank you and God bless all of you who have contributed to this!”
Terry had the following to say about the chicken business:
“This is a 6 X 6 chicken house. We acquired 20 chickens for Ribert, built the house, and gave him a sack of feed to get him started.
We bought the chickens local in Thoman. Total cost about $300. He intends to raise his chickens to sell as meat chickens, not for eggs. The folks here know how to raise chickens, they just needed a leg up to get started.”

Ribert and his son in front of their new chicken house

Ribert’s new chickens
The Good News
We believe that hope, joy, and peace along with forgiveness, redemption, and salvation are found in a relationship with God that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, we seek to continuously share the Good News of the gospel in a variety of ways.
Rachel Charpie, one of our missionaries at the orphanage in Galette Chambon, wrote the following last week about the people in the first two photos below:
“It was so exciting to see new believers in church this morning!!! Many of you may remember Bethi and her sweet baby Soraya. I’m so glad she’s made a commitment to come to church since becoming a believer in our clinic. Many people didn’t believe she could change her ways, BUT GOD can do all things! The little boy in the middle of the other picture is Kenken. He came forward during the invitation to surrender his life to Jesus. I got the privilege of talking with him. Both of his parents passed away, and he is currently living with another family in our village. He came to church by himself this morning. I believe God is going to do something beautiful in his life! Pray for both of these new believers!!! What great hope we have in Jesus. How beautiful that he ushers desperate moms and weary orphans into his arms. Their lives will never be the same.”

New believer Bethi and her baby Soraya

Rachel on the left and new believer Kenken with his hand on his chin

We share the gospel through the age-old method of proclaiming the Word of God. This is me preaching in the old church in Thoman last November with Yvens serving as the interpreter.

We seek to raise up a new generation of believers in Thoman. This is a group of children at the new church in Thoman having fun at Vacation Bible School.
Awesome Team in Galette Chambon
We had a great team from FBC Laurens, SC in Galette Chambon last month. They held a week-long Motherhood Seminar, built a house, painted the new clinic expansion, and held a dental clinic, among many other things. Regarding the Motherhood Seminar, they wrote:
“24 precious expectant mothers attended our ‘Motherhood Classes’ last week in Haiti. We taught them how to care for their baby-including proper hygiene and nutrition, the importance of breastfeeding properly for the sake of the baby’s health, the importance of having their baby vaccinated, the importance of birth control and much, much more. It was an amazing experience for all of us! We concluded the week by providing these mothers with gifts for them and for their baby, gifts that would be staples in our homes but are luxuries for them! The women were very unsure and skeptical of us at first, but by the end of the week we were best of friends and there were many hugs and kisses and tears in the last day!”

Practicing on the baby doll

The 24 moms with their certificates at the end of the week

Construction of the new house

Installing mosquito netting in the clinic expansion

Painting the clinic expansion

Dental clinic
Great Team in Thoman
Our first team in Thoman this year was from Highland Baptist Church in Meridian, MS. They built a house, painted 4 houses, held VBS every day, did outreach evangelism in Bwa Polite and Mathias, helped in the clinic, conducted motherhood seminars, visited sponsored children, visited the school, and provided dental care for over 200 people. They also gave out 100 pairs of the “Shoe that Grows” in Mathias. Many received prayer and some accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Team photo

Fitting shoes on the children in the remote village of Matthias

Painting at Mary Minne’s house – love that family!

Finished product looks so good!

Villagers lining up for the remote clinic

Dental work inside the mud structure

New house
And finally . . .
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti? Your gift will go a long way in helping us share the love of Christ in very tangible ways in that poverty-stricken nation.
You can give online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 400 Fontaine Place, Suite 103, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our American staff in Haiti, our staff in the States, and our Board of Directors.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director
But God Ministries