I returned last Friday from a week-long trip to Galette Chambon, Haiti. Lots of great ministry took place including some new activities. We seem to be in a season of new things. Below are some examples of the new things in which God is leading us to be involved.
New Teams
We have had several new teams take trips with us recently:
- FBC Covington, TN
- Beersheba Cumberland Presbyterian, Columbus, MS
- Pine Terrace, Milton, FL
- Colonial Heights Baptist, Ridgeland, MS
I was blessed to be on the mission trip last week with the team from Colonial Heights and a team from Petal, MS. We engaged in much ministry including: first ever eye clinic, medical clinic, classes for expectant moms, pastors banquet, VBS, soccer camp for girls, and construction of chicken coops for the Hope Center.

Pray for this little girl. She was born without feet on July 3 to a mother who is not able to care for her. Currently, her aunt and grandmother are providing care and we are treating her at our clinic in Galette Chambon.

This man has had a terrible skin disease for some time. The red spot is the flesh on his upper left leg. Tony, our missionary treats him regularly.

Tony and Dustin, a Nurse Practitioner with the Colonial Heights team last week, speaking with the man who has the skin disease.

Lauren, an optometrist with the Colonial Heights team last week, treating a patient. We gave out hundreds of glasses to people who could hardly see. This will be life-changing for them.

This pastor received a pair of glasses last Sunday. He could hardly see to even walk prior to getting his glasses. Praise God!

New chicken coops were built last week in Galette Chambon. This will be a big step in our continued development of economic growth in the chicken and egg business.

A sweet little girl who was very excited after VBS last week

Children at VBS in a remote location

Soccer camp for girls. Of course, a few boys showed up and we separated them and let them participate too.

Expectant moms class. These moms had a blast and learned much about taking care of their unborn children as well as how to take care of them after they are born.

The ladies ensemble singing at church last Sunday. It was a glorious time of worship!
New Offices
For over three years, our offices have been at 1440 N. State Street in Jackson, MS. One of our board members, John Lewis, has graciously provided office space within his office building.
Today, July 13, we are packing our offices and tomorrow, July 14, we will be moving to new offices in Ridgeland, MS. Our new address is 400 Fontaine Place, Suite 103, Ridgeland, MS, 39157. Please send all correspondence to this new address. And come by for a visit whenever you get the chance!
New Website
If you haven’t been to our website lately, you’re in for a surprise. We recently created a new website that we hope will provide more and better information. Check it out at www.butgodministries.com.
New Trip Costs
God has greatly blessed the work of BGM. We have opened our second location in the village of Thoman and it’s going great. Of course, with increased mission activity, there are also increased costs. We are using more translators, more fuel, and more transportation, among other costs. And, most things in Haiti are very expensive because they must be shipped in from around the world.
To help offset the additional costs, in 2016 the amount we charge for a one week (6 night) trip will increase from $600 to $700. The cost for individual nights will increase from $100 per night to $116 per night.
Assuming a plane ticket is around $750, the total trip cost will still be less than $1,500 and we believe that is a great price for a one week international trip.
New Church
The new church in Thoman is coming along nicely. The footings and slab have been poured and the walls have been erected. The next step is to put the trusses and roof in place and then add the doors and windows. We are hoping to have a dedication service the second or third week in August.

New Church in Thoman
New Words
The following was written by Dr. Mike McMullan, a cardiologist who works in Jackson, MS and who recently led a group of medical students and others to Galette Chambon:
“What a great experience! We took a medical team to Galette Chambon with But God Ministries in May 2015 and were overwhelmed to see how God is at work in Haiti. BGM is a first class organization who has invested in the community for the long term, building a Hope Center including a church, health clinic, school, orphanage, and homes. Our experience with the health clinic was amazing. We were able to evaluate and treat over one hundred patients daily with the aid of translators as well as being able to take the time to pray with our patients, leading many to Christ. It was awesome to see the way that Tony West and his wife Mickie show God’s love to the people, whether through the health care, Bible studies, or English classes they provide. The most inspirational part was the love and appreciation shown to us by the Haitian people – we were blessed far beyond any blessings we were able to provide. I’ve been on medical mission trips in the past where we would provide care but know that the patients we were seeing would have no follow-up. It seemed that we were providing a band aid fix for something that needed much more. But in Haiti, we knew that these people would have the opportunity to have follow-up for their hypertension, diabetes, or pregnancy. I would recommend this trip to anyone looking for a medical mission trip where you would truly get to see God at work in a needy people who are so grateful for your service.”
Finally . . .
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti? Your gift will go a long way in helping us share the love of Christ in very tangible ways in that poverty-stricken nation.
You can give online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 400 Fontaine Place, Suite 103, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our American staff in Haiti, and our Board of Directors.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director
But God Ministries