I returned from Haiti Sunday night following an amazing trip with 30 people from my Lifegroup (Sunday School class)at Broadmoor Baptist Church in Madison, MS. We had an incredible experience staying at our new Hope Center in the mountainous village of Thoman.
While we were in Thoman, there was an awesome group from New Zion Baptist Church in Crystal Springs, MS staying and working at our original Hope Center in Galette Chambon. They built a house for a family living in a mud hut, made benches for our church, held Bible Studies and VBS, and engaged in many other forms of ministry.
From Hell to Paradise
In Thoman, we built a house for a family living in some of the worst conditions I have seen in Haiti. As the new house was being built, the sweet mother of the family said to us, “you are helping us move from hell to paradise.”
Today, thanks to the grace of God and the generosity of His people, this family can go into a sturdy and dry home each night. They can lock their front door and be safe. They can live with dignity and a sense of hope for the future.

The tin shack where the family of 5 has been living for years. All the children sleep on the dirt floor. There is little protection from the elements. Total poverty. But not any more!

Each day during construction, the mother of this desperately poor family made coffee for the workers and provided bread. Here she is holding a tray with the coffee cups while her daughter helps pour the coffee.

Every day, the family prepared a meal of rice and beans for lunch for the workers. Of course, the meal was prepared in a pot over a fire. This photo depicts her kitchen.
Medical Care
Our team provided medical care at our new clinic in Thoman and one day at a church in a remote location. We treated several hundred patients, filled hundreds of prescriptions from our pharmacy, and shared the hope of the gospel with many.
This little boy is 6 years old and weighs only 20 pounds. His name is Whisgan. He came to the worksite each day where we were building the house. We immediately noticed how thin and listless he was and took him, his sister, and his mother to the clinic. The doctor treated him for worms and we gave him some vitamins as well.
Dr. Wesley Granger, an internist living in Madison, MS and practicing in Ridgeland, MS was a huge blessing on this trip. He worked with several nurses who were on the trip (Molly Morgan and Anna Regan Stacy)as well as our medical missionary, Kathy Warren. His medical knowledge was exceeded only by His love for the Lord and His desire to share Biblical principles of living with the patients.
This elderly lady walked 45 minutes to get to the clinic. She is caring for these two children who were dropped off at her hut. She is not related to them, she has no income and no food, and she was sick. Total desperation. We treated her, loved on her, gave her rice and beans, and loaded her up with snacks and vitamins for the children.
Each patient had the opportunity to pray with one of our team members. Here, Amy Adams and a translator are sharing with a lady who came to the clinic.
Let the Children Come – Food for the Soul
Singing with the children during VBS
Puppet time during VBS
Children leaving Sunday School (outdoor classroom) and marching into the church service Sunday morning
Ladies Bible study at the new Hope Center being taught by Millie Adams
Reading, Writing, Arithmetic
A quality education is important for every child in every country, including Haiti. Pastor Mathurin, our friend and partner in Thoman, opened a school 6 years ago with 75 children. Today, there are over 400 children and they are out of classroom space. Our team built 4 new classrooms this week for the school.
Pouring the slab of a new classroom bucket by bucket
New classrooms going up
Thanks to a sponsorship program started by our missionaries in Thoman, Terry and Kathy Warren, all 400 children receive a lunch of rice and beans each day. For some of the children, it’s the only meal they receive.
Dr, Granger spoke with each class. He shared the importance of putting God first in your life and growing spiritually through daily prayer and Bible reading.
There was a basketball goal at the school and we brought a basketball, but it quickly turned into a soccer ball!
Beautiful Place, Beautiful People
The poverty in Haiti can be overwhelming. Yet, at the same time, it is a place with beautiful scenery and beautiful people.
My wife, Jewell, and me as we walked down to the river. We were surrounded by gorgeous mountains all around.
This little fellow stole the hearts of all who saw him. His smile is infectious and everyone wanted to be near him.
We visited with this little girl who was helping with her sister. She is a precious child of God and it’s a great joy to know the Hope Center is there to help with medical care, dental care, spiritual care, housing needs, and educational needs.
2016 Calendar
The calendar for 2016 has been posted on our website HERE. If you are interested in a trip to Haiti next year, you may want to begin thinking of the dates in which you are interested and make a reservation. The dates fill up quickly.
Our team last Monday leaving the airport and headed to Thoman for a week of ministry.
Finally . . .
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti? Your gift will go a long way in helping us share the love of Christ in very tangible ways in that poverty-stricken nation.
You can give online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 1440 North State Street, Jackson, MS, 39202.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our American staff in Haiti, and our Board of Directors.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director
But God Ministries