February 17, 2014
I am thrilled to report we will be adding 10 more children this week to our orphanage. The new additions will bring the total number of children to 16. Within a few weeks, we will announce opportunities for people to sponsor the children monthly.
Like the children we already have, the 10 new children will have access to an education, medical care, dental care, housing, plenty of food and clean water, and a church. They will be safe. They will be surrounded by love and have the opportunity to grow up in a Christian environment where they will hear the Gospel and learn the ways of God.

These are the 6 children who currently live in our orphanage. I took this photo last week while they were waiting to get a check-up at our medical clinic. They are delightful!
Tender Care
We held a medical clinic and dental clinic last week with a team from Meridian, MS. Over 400 patients were seen in the medical clinic and over 100 patients were seen in the dental clinic. Some of the experiences we had were heart-warming and some were heart-breaking.

This little baby girl was born last Tuesday. Her mom was only 7 months pregnant but the little girl was healthy and strong. Katie, a nurse from Meridian, is holding her. The mother decided to name the little girl Kathryn, in honor of Katie.

Very sad situation. This mother is only 14 years old. Her child that she is holding is 2 years old. The swollen legs, according to the doctor from Meridian who was working last week, are likely a result of kidney disease/failure. Her outlook is not good. To complicate matters, the 14 year old mother is pregnant again.

The little girl being held came to the clinic Monday morning following a motorcycle wreck with her dad. She was screaming at the top of her lungs. They held her down while Dr. Greer, from Meridian, stitched her up. Two days later she came back and was doing great!

This little baby was starving. She was 12 days old. Her mother’s milk had dried up and she had not eaten in 4 or 5 days. We were able to give her a bottle containing formula. Immediately she began to perk up. We sent her home with the bottle and several containers of formula. Two days later she returned looking great! Even her mom looked much better, no doubt relieved from the stress of having a starving child.

Dr. McCarty, a pediatric dentist from Meridian, treated dozens and dozens of patients last week. He was used by God to bring relief for those with aching and rotten teeth.
Life in Thoman
We went to the mountainous village of Thoman on Sunday of last week. This is the village where we plan to build a new Hope Center this year.

Children having Sunday School in their outdoor classroom in Thoman. I was privileged to preach about the Resurrection during the worship time that followed Sunday School.

While in Thoman, we came across these precious little girls who were walking a mile and a half to get water for their families. I cannot imagine how heavy those containers were going to be once they started walking back. There is a better way and that’s why I can’t wait to start construction on the new Hope Center.
Today is a game-changer for But God Ministries. Today is the day Charles and Hannah McCall and their two young children move with us to Haiti to be our agriculture missionaries. Just as the move to Haiti by Tony and Mickie West was a game-changer for our medical work, we believe the move by the McCall family will make a game-changing difference in the important area of agriculture. Every day, Charles will focus on agriculture. He will teach, help, and instruct. He will also work with animals and tree planting. Please pray for the McCalls as they make this big transition.

The doctor and pharmacist from Meridian showing off the new stove for the McCall family.
Big News
Last month I showed you the photo of the terrible living conditions of a sweet lady named Jislene who works as our housekeeper at the Hope Center. This past Sunday I shared the good news with her that she is getting a new house the week of March 10. I am so happy for Jislene. A year ago she had 3 children, no husband, and zero income. Now, she has a job with a monthly income, scholarships for her children to go to school, and will soon have a new house. God is good!

Jislene’s current house. This mud hut, with a dirt floor, is in terrible shape. When you push against the walls they almost fall over. Her teenage son sleeps in a small bed against the wall and she and the other two children sleep on a mat on the floor.

We were both so excited as I shared the good news that she is getting a new house for her family.
Much Accomplished, Much More To Do
God has blessed our efforts in remarkable ways. But, as you can imagine, it takes lots of resources to do the work that is being done. If you would like to join us in these efforts, you can send your check to But God Ministries at 1440 North State Street, Jackson, MS, 39202 or give online HERE.
Also, we are now in position to accept stock contributions if that is something in which you are interested. Please email me at stanbuckley@butgodministries.com and we will work out the details.
Thank you for your continued support and especially your prayers. Haiti presents countless obstacles but His power is enabling us to carry on and make a difference in the lives of hurting Haitians.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director
But God Ministries
I am thrilled to report we will be adding 10 more children this week to our orphanage. The new additions will bring the total number of children to 16. Within a few weeks, we will announce opportunities for people to sponsor the children monthly.
Like the children we already have, the 10 new children will have access to an education, medical care, dental care, housing, plenty of food and clean water, and a church. They will be safe. They will be surrounded by love and have the opportunity to grow up in a Christian environment where they will hear the Gospel and learn the ways of God.

These are the 6 children who currently live in our orphanage. I took this photo last week while they were waiting to get a check-up at our medical clinic. They are delightful!
Tender Care
We held a medical clinic and dental clinic last week with a team from Meridian, MS. Over 400 patients were seen in the medical clinic and over 100 patients were seen in the dental clinic. Some of the experiences we had were heart-warming and some were heart-breaking.

This little baby girl was born last Tuesday. Her mom was only 7 months pregnant but the little girl was healthy and strong. Katie, a nurse from Meridian, is holding her. The mother decided to name the little girl Kathryn, in honor of Katie.

Very sad situation. This mother is only 14 years old. Her child that she is holding is 2 years old. The swollen legs, according to the doctor from Meridian who was working last week, are likely a result of kidney disease/failure. Her outlook is not good. To complicate matters, the 14 year old mother is pregnant again.

The little girl being held came to the clinic Monday morning following a motorcycle wreck with her dad. She was screaming at the top of her lungs. They held her down while Dr. Greer, from Meridian, stitched her up. Two days later she came back and was doing great!

This little baby was starving. She was 12 days old. Her mother’s milk had dried up and she had not eaten in 4 or 5 days. We were able to give her a bottle containing formula. Immediately she began to perk up. We sent her home with the bottle and several containers of formula. Two days later she returned looking great! Even her mom looked much better, no doubt relieved from the stress of having a starving child.

Dr. McCarty, a pediatric dentist from Meridian, treated dozens and dozens of patients last week. He was used by God to bring relief for those with aching and rotten teeth.
Life in Thoman
We went to the mountainous village of Thoman on Sunday of last week. This is the village where we plan to build a new Hope Center this year.

Children having Sunday School in their outdoor classroom in Thoman. I was privileged to preach about the Resurrection during the worship time that followed Sunday School.

While in Thoman, we came across these precious little girls who were walking a mile and a half to get water for their families. I cannot imagine how heavy those containers were going to be once they started walking back. There is a better way and that’s why I can’t wait to start construction on the new Hope Center.
Today is a game-changer for But God Ministries. Today is the day Charles and Hannah McCall and their two young children move with us to Haiti to be our agriculture missionaries. Just as the move to Haiti by Tony and Mickie West was a game-changer for our medical work, we believe the move by the McCall family will make a game-changing difference in the important area of agriculture. Every day, Charles will focus on agriculture. He will teach, help, and instruct. He will also work with animals and tree planting. Please pray for the McCalls as they make this big transition.

The doctor and pharmacist from Meridian showing off the new stove for the McCall family.
Big News
Last month I showed you the photo of the terrible living conditions of a sweet lady named Jislene who works as our housekeeper at the Hope Center. This past Sunday I shared the good news with her that she is getting a new house the week of March 10. I am so happy for Jislene. A year ago she had 3 children, no husband, and zero income. Now, she has a job with a monthly income, scholarships for her children to go to school, and will soon have a new house. God is good!

Jislene’s current house. This mud hut, with a dirt floor, is in terrible shape. When you push against the walls they almost fall over. Her teenage son sleeps in a small bed against the wall and she and the other two children sleep on a mat on the floor.

We were both so excited as I shared the good news that she is getting a new house for her family.
Much Accomplished, Much More To Do
God has blessed our efforts in remarkable ways. But, as you can imagine, it takes lots of resources to do the work that is being done. If you would like to join us in these efforts, you can send your check to But God Ministries at 1440 North State Street, Jackson, MS, 39202 or give online HERE.
Also, we are now in position to accept stock contributions if that is something in which you are interested. Please email me at stanbuckley@butgodministries.com and we will work out the details.
Thank you for your continued support and especially your prayers. Haiti presents countless obstacles but His power is enabling us to carry on and make a difference in the lives of hurting Haitians.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director
But God Ministries