April 22, 2013
They asked for it. Over a year ago. The leaders from the nearby villages asked, “Could you help with the road?” I told them that was a tall order. The road was horrible. Terrible! It was destroying our vehicles and all other vehicles. I told them to pray that God would provide the knowledge and the equipment and the resources to fix the road. It would be harder, more complex than anything else we had done. And I didn’t have a clue how to fix a two-mile road in the middle of nowhere on a poverty-stricken island.
But He knew. God knew when and how and with what. With a dozer and a motor grader and volunteer Christian workers, God got it done. He got it done just like we’ve seen Him do countless times. He brought the engineer and the resources and the workers. He brought it all together at the right time and now the road has been fixed.
And frankly, many of the Haitian people are more excited and appreciative of this road than anything else we have done. It’s that big of a deal! Praise God!!


Work Begins

Motor Grader

Smoothing the road

Super Duper Highway!!!
Worshiping in the new Church
The new church building is almost complete! Although there is still work to do, the first worship service was held in the new building several weeks ago.
Not only will this building be used as a worship center, but it can also be used as a school and a place to hold medical or dental clinics when we have large medical teams and large crowds.

Beautiful view from inside the church
The orphanage should be complete the last week of June. We hope to begin receiving children sometime in July.

The West family with the orphanage in the background
Medical and Dental
We continue seeing patients each week. If there is no medical or dental team, Tony sees patients by himself each week.

Tony extracting a problematic tooth

This precious child was literally starving. He was screaming at the top of his lungs. When Nurse Practitioner Melanie Gilmore gave him a bottle he began to quiet down. They worked with the grandmother to teach her how to properly care for the child. Sadly, at 2 months old, he had never been named. The family asked Melanie to name him. They named “Anthony” after our full-time nurse, Tony West!
Pastor Mathurin was in America April 5-20. He had an amazing visit, especially for someone who lives in a remote village with no electricity and no running water. We met with 11 churches, had a reception in his honor, toured local attractions, shopped for his family, and did some fun things as well. It was a great visit!

After going through Customs in Ft. Lauderdale

Eating catfish at the Cock-of-the-Walk with my wife, Jewell, and me

He loves Chick-fil-A!!!

That’s him on the platform at FBC Jackson

Bowling was a hoot!

Touring the state capitol with Rep. Tom Weathersby

He rode a zip line over the pond behind us at the home of Board Member Wayne Comans
Much done, but much to do . . .
God continues to bless our efforts and allow us to make a significant impact in the lives of countless hurting Haitians. Would you join us as we seek to share the Good News of the Gospel and the love of our God?
It’s no secret that all of this work takes significant resources to accomplish. If you would like to partner with us in this work and if you trust us to use your gift wisely, you can click here and give a one-time contribution or you can sign up to give automatically each month. You can also mail your gift to: But God Ministries, 1440 North State Street, Jackson, MS, 39202.
Thank you for your prayers, your trips to Haiti, and your financial support.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director
But God Ministries
They asked for it. Over a year ago. The leaders from the nearby villages asked, “Could you help with the road?” I told them that was a tall order. The road was horrible. Terrible! It was destroying our vehicles and all other vehicles. I told them to pray that God would provide the knowledge and the equipment and the resources to fix the road. It would be harder, more complex than anything else we had done. And I didn’t have a clue how to fix a two-mile road in the middle of nowhere on a poverty-stricken island.
But He knew. God knew when and how and with what. With a dozer and a motor grader and volunteer Christian workers, God got it done. He got it done just like we’ve seen Him do countless times. He brought the engineer and the resources and the workers. He brought it all together at the right time and now the road has been fixed.
And frankly, many of the Haitian people are more excited and appreciative of this road than anything else we have done. It’s that big of a deal! Praise God!!


Work Begins

Motor Grader

Smoothing the road

Super Duper Highway!!!
Worshiping in the new Church
The new church building is almost complete! Although there is still work to do, the first worship service was held in the new building several weeks ago.
Not only will this building be used as a worship center, but it can also be used as a school and a place to hold medical or dental clinics when we have large medical teams and large crowds.

Beautiful view from inside the church
The orphanage should be complete the last week of June. We hope to begin receiving children sometime in July.

The West family with the orphanage in the background
Medical and Dental
We continue seeing patients each week. If there is no medical or dental team, Tony sees patients by himself each week.

Tony extracting a problematic tooth

This precious child was literally starving. He was screaming at the top of his lungs. When Nurse Practitioner Melanie Gilmore gave him a bottle he began to quiet down. They worked with the grandmother to teach her how to properly care for the child. Sadly, at 2 months old, he had never been named. The family asked Melanie to name him. They named “Anthony” after our full-time nurse, Tony West!
Pastor Mathurin was in America April 5-20. He had an amazing visit, especially for someone who lives in a remote village with no electricity and no running water. We met with 11 churches, had a reception in his honor, toured local attractions, shopped for his family, and did some fun things as well. It was a great visit!

After going through Customs in Ft. Lauderdale

Eating catfish at the Cock-of-the-Walk with my wife, Jewell, and me

He loves Chick-fil-A!!!

That’s him on the platform at FBC Jackson

Bowling was a hoot!

Touring the state capitol with Rep. Tom Weathersby

He rode a zip line over the pond behind us at the home of Board Member Wayne Comans
Much done, but much to do . . .
God continues to bless our efforts and allow us to make a significant impact in the lives of countless hurting Haitians. Would you join us as we seek to share the Good News of the Gospel and the love of our God?
It’s no secret that all of this work takes significant resources to accomplish. If you would like to partner with us in this work and if you trust us to use your gift wisely, you can click here and give a one-time contribution or you can sign up to give automatically each month. You can also mail your gift to: But God Ministries, 1440 North State Street, Jackson, MS, 39202.
Thank you for your prayers, your trips to Haiti, and your financial support.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director
But God Ministries