DECEMBER 20, 2012
2012 has been an unforgettable year at But God Ministries. This was our first full year and God has blessed far beyond what we had thought or imagined. Below are some of the highlights: -23 mission trips hosted with over 230 volunteers
-Completion of the Hope Center, complete with medical clinic, dental clinic, dorms, kitchen/bathrooms, and missionary house
-22 houses built. 12 families moved out of the squalor of a tent city into our houses. 6 more families interviewed and ready to move in next month
-Over 6,000 patients seen. American nurse moved to Haiti full-time to operate clinic. Large number of medical teams involving pediatric dentists, oral surgeons, dentists, internists, cardiologists, OB-GYN’s, Emergency Room doctors, dermatologists, nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants, nurses, physicaltherapists, dental hygienists, and others.
-Dozens and dozens of jobs created including 9 full-time, construction (missionary house, orphanage,houses for families, security wall, block making), painting, making clay figures, and others
-Countless shoes, clothes, and soccer balls distributed
-Orphanage mostly completed with children expected to arrive in March
-Large and beautiful gardens grown
Gospel shared countless times at clinic, with hundreds of children at Bible Schools, Ladies Bible Study, Jesus Film, worship services, and one-on-one encounters
I was in Haiti last week and took the following photos that give a glimpse of some of the work that is been taking place:

Six families that I interviewed to move from their tent city
into our houses. The move will take place next month.

The six families inside one of the houses. They began praying,
singing, and praising God at the prospects of moving into our
community. The lady on the left was wiping tears from her eyes
as the lady with raised hands praised God.

Three men who moved into our houses received jobs making
block for construction of the church. Their names are Maquil, Ednor, and Fareus. They were overjoyed to receive their jobs!

Her name is Gislaine Joseph. She has 4 children, no husband
at home, and no income. None. Last week we hired her to clean
the Hope Center (bathrooms, clinics, dorms, grounds, etc.) on
a full-time basis. She was already a Christian and now she has
hope for this life as well as the next.

I attended this Parents Meeting at a nearby school and encouraged
the parents to support their children in their education. We sponsor
92 children at this school and hope to see continued improvements
as they complete construction of new classrooms.

Tony treating a man with terrible sores on his legs. The previous
night a lady with 104 temperature was brought to the clinic.
Tony placed ice on her, started a drip, and gave her other medicine.
He called a doctor in the States who had worked at our clinic
two weeks earlier and who concurred with Tony’s treatment plan.
The doctor told Tony that the lady may have died if she had not
made it to our clinic. She stayed two nights at the clinic, her temperature returned to normal, and she was able to go home.
Such a blessing!
Looking Ahead to 2013
While 2012 has been a remarkable year, I can hardly wait to see what God does next year. Below are some of the plans that are in place for 2013
-Host the 29 teams that are already scheduled
-Build church/school (Jan.), guest house (March), dorm (June), vocational training building (July), 18 houses (August)
-Hire Haitian pastor (already interviewed, starting first of the year) to lead the community in worship, evangelism, discipleship, and all areas of the Christian faith
-Hire Haitian doctor to work alongside our American nurse
-Expand medical services as we move toward becoming a rural hospital
-Bring American agriculture expert to Haiti to live and work for one year and teach the locals the best agriculture practices
-Establish Pastor’s Training Institute
-Fix road from highway to villages above the Hope Center
-Continue job training and job creation so that the Haitians can support themselves and their families
-Establish the new school
-Bring 22 more families who are living in unimaginable poverty to live in the new houses
-These are some of the plans already approved by the Board of But God Ministries. Of course, along the way God will show us other opportunities to share His love and minister to, and with, the people of Haiti.
As you can see, God is doing a great work through But God Ministries. However, as you can imagine, it takes significant resources to do this work and to continue making a difference in the lives of long-suffering Haitians.
If you would like to partner with us in this work you can give an end-of-the-year contribution so that we start the new year stronger than ever. You can know beyond any doubt that the work is being done and will continue to be done as we seek to honor God in all we do.
All you have to do is click here and give online. If you want to give automatically each month, you only have to sign up one time ($25, $50, $100, $200, or any amount you choose) or you can give a one-time contribution. You can also mail your gift to: But God Ministries, 1440 North State Street, Jackson, MS, 39202.
Thank you for your prayers, financial support, and your love for the people of Haiti.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director
But God Ministries
2012 has been an unforgettable year at But God Ministries. This was our first full year and God has blessed far beyond what we had thought or imagined. Below are some of the highlights: -23 mission trips hosted with over 230 volunteers
-Completion of the Hope Center, complete with medical clinic, dental clinic, dorms, kitchen/bathrooms, and missionary house
-22 houses built. 12 families moved out of the squalor of a tent city into our houses. 6 more families interviewed and ready to move in next month
-Over 6,000 patients seen. American nurse moved to Haiti full-time to operate clinic. Large number of medical teams involving pediatric dentists, oral surgeons, dentists, internists, cardiologists, OB-GYN’s, Emergency Room doctors, dermatologists, nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants, nurses, physicaltherapists, dental hygienists, and others.
-Dozens and dozens of jobs created including 9 full-time, construction (missionary house, orphanage,houses for families, security wall, block making), painting, making clay figures, and others
-Countless shoes, clothes, and soccer balls distributed
-Orphanage mostly completed with children expected to arrive in March
-Large and beautiful gardens grown
Gospel shared countless times at clinic, with hundreds of children at Bible Schools, Ladies Bible Study, Jesus Film, worship services, and one-on-one encounters
I was in Haiti last week and took the following photos that give a glimpse of some of the work that is been taking place:

Six families that I interviewed to move from their tent city
into our houses. The move will take place next month.

The six families inside one of the houses. They began praying,
singing, and praising God at the prospects of moving into our
community. The lady on the left was wiping tears from her eyes
as the lady with raised hands praised God.

Three men who moved into our houses received jobs making
block for construction of the church. Their names are Maquil, Ednor, and Fareus. They were overjoyed to receive their jobs!

Her name is Gislaine Joseph. She has 4 children, no husband
at home, and no income. None. Last week we hired her to clean
the Hope Center (bathrooms, clinics, dorms, grounds, etc.) on
a full-time basis. She was already a Christian and now she has
hope for this life as well as the next.

I attended this Parents Meeting at a nearby school and encouraged
the parents to support their children in their education. We sponsor
92 children at this school and hope to see continued improvements
as they complete construction of new classrooms.

Tony treating a man with terrible sores on his legs. The previous
night a lady with 104 temperature was brought to the clinic.
Tony placed ice on her, started a drip, and gave her other medicine.
He called a doctor in the States who had worked at our clinic
two weeks earlier and who concurred with Tony’s treatment plan.
The doctor told Tony that the lady may have died if she had not
made it to our clinic. She stayed two nights at the clinic, her temperature returned to normal, and she was able to go home.
Such a blessing!
Looking Ahead to 2013
While 2012 has been a remarkable year, I can hardly wait to see what God does next year. Below are some of the plans that are in place for 2013
-Host the 29 teams that are already scheduled
-Build church/school (Jan.), guest house (March), dorm (June), vocational training building (July), 18 houses (August)
-Hire Haitian pastor (already interviewed, starting first of the year) to lead the community in worship, evangelism, discipleship, and all areas of the Christian faith
-Hire Haitian doctor to work alongside our American nurse
-Expand medical services as we move toward becoming a rural hospital
-Bring American agriculture expert to Haiti to live and work for one year and teach the locals the best agriculture practices
-Establish Pastor’s Training Institute
-Fix road from highway to villages above the Hope Center
-Continue job training and job creation so that the Haitians can support themselves and their families
-Establish the new school
-Bring 22 more families who are living in unimaginable poverty to live in the new houses
-These are some of the plans already approved by the Board of But God Ministries. Of course, along the way God will show us other opportunities to share His love and minister to, and with, the people of Haiti.
As you can see, God is doing a great work through But God Ministries. However, as you can imagine, it takes significant resources to do this work and to continue making a difference in the lives of long-suffering Haitians.
If you would like to partner with us in this work you can give an end-of-the-year contribution so that we start the new year stronger than ever. You can know beyond any doubt that the work is being done and will continue to be done as we seek to honor God in all we do.
All you have to do is click here and give online. If you want to give automatically each month, you only have to sign up one time ($25, $50, $100, $200, or any amount you choose) or you can give a one-time contribution. You can also mail your gift to: But God Ministries, 1440 North State Street, Jackson, MS, 39202.
Thank you for your prayers, financial support, and your love for the people of Haiti.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director
But God Ministries